Why upgrade to Cookie Compliance Professional?

To upgrade a domain to the Pro plan, login to your Cookie Compliance account, select the domain name from the dropdown, and click the "Upgrade" button located at the top of any screen.

Free Plan Limitations

Under the Free Plan, your site is restricted under certain conditions like number of visits per month. When these conditions are exceeded, the technical compliance features like autoblocking and record storage are disabled until the "visit count" resets. If you exceed this limit on consecutive months, we will prompt you to upgrade to a Pro plan.


If your domain is under the Free plan, this Usage Chart in the bottom left of your Cookie Compliance app tracks your total visits for this month, and the number of days until the "visit count" resets. Free plans are limited to 1000 visits per month. 

Professional Plan Benefits: 

One subscription covers all domains and subdomains for a single URL (e.g. website.com, and sub.website.com would be a single subscription). Each separate base URL requires its own subscription. 

No site traffic limits

Under the free plan, once your site hits 1,000 Visits (not Unique Visitors) in a single month, you will be asked to upgrade or risk having the technical compliance features like consent storage and script blocking disabled. Under the Pro plan, there is no traffic limit.

Multiple languages

Under the free plan, you can only add and customize translations for one additional language, which will display as the default. Under the Pro plan, you can add and customize translations for any number of languages.

Premium support

Under the free plan, replies from the support team can take up to 72 hours. Under the Pro plan, issues are escalated more quickly and are typically solved within 24 hours of first contact. 

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